School district secessions have become increasingly common in the last 20 years, particularly in the southern U.S. According to new research, they can have significant impacts on local communities and schools, and lead to increased racial segregation between districts.
The Impacts of Immigration Enforcement on the Nation's Schools
At both the local and national levels, American immigration enforcement efforts have had significant impacts on students, schools, and their surrounding communities, according to two recently published studies.
Can New Screening Systems Identify Better Teaching Candidates?
A new study of L.A.’s ‘Multiple Measures Teacher Selection Process” has uncovered notable impacts on outcomes such as teacher attendance, classroom evaluations, and student performance.
Mind the Gaps: How Teachers, Principals, and Districts Experience Standards-Based Reform
Do accountability policies under standards-based reform efforts disproportionately impact teachers over principals and district officials?
Study: Quality of Head Start Centers Can Vary By Classroom
Head Start, the nation’s largest publicly funded preschool program, holds licensed centers and agencies accountable through a set of defined quality standards. A new study, however, finds that the overall quality rating of a center can vary substantially, depending on which classrooms are evaluated.
Study Finds Promise in Online ‘Growth Mindset’ Intervention
In the largest study of its kind, dozens of researchers set out to learn if a short, online intervention could foster a growth mindset in students, and whether it could positively impact academic achievement.
How Do Teachers Define College Readiness?
Responding to workforce demands and growing pressure on students to earn a post-secondary degree or certificate, U.S. high schools have increasingly focused on “college readiness.” It’s a concept, however, that can be difficult to formally define.
‘Principal Pipelines’ Can Boost Achievement and Reduce Turnover
Some of the most effective elements of the Wallace Foundation’s “Principal Pipelines” initiative can be adopted at little cost to districts, according to a new study from the RAND Corporation.
Can Test Metadata Help Schools Measure Social-Emotional Learning?
Social-emotional learning (SEL) competencies can be predictive of long-term academic achievement, but they can also be difficult to measure. In a new study, researchers investigated whether assessment metadata – the way students approach tests and surveys – can provide useful SEL data to schools and educators.
The AP Frontier: Offering Advanced Courses in Less-Resourced Schools
The advanced placement (AP) program has rapidly expanded in recent years, causing some to question whether certain courses – including AP science and math – can be successfully offered in less-resourced schools. In one of the first studies of its kind, a team of researchers set out to chart the “frontier” of AP expansion