new national study offers some of the first large-scale evidence on the scope of implicit teacher bias in American classrooms, and the relationship between teacher attitudes and student outcomes like academic performance and discipline.

Lead author and Harvard University researcher Mark Chin joins CPRE Knowledge Hub managing editor Keith Heumiller to discuss the study, which found that counties with higher levels of teacher bias have larger adjusted inequalities between black and white students in areas like test scores and suspensions.

Chin also discusses some implications and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners and other stakeholders in the wake of sweeping protests for racial equity across the U.S.

Chin, M. J., Quinn, D. M., Dhaliwal, T. K., & Lovison, V. S. (2020). “Bias in the Air: A Nationwide Exploration of Teachers’ Implicit Racial Attitudes, Aggregate Bias, and Student Outcomes.Educational Researcher.