Posted in: Podcast

Money and Merit: Are Advantaged Students More Likely to Be 'Gifted'?

Gifted services – the academic programs and supports offered to children with exceptional talents or abilities – can open new doors for students throughout their education. nnA new national study, however, finds that those services are significantly more likely to be directed to students from wealthier, more advantaged families.nnStudy co-author and Vanderbilt University researcher Jason Grissom joins CPRE Knowledge Hub managing editor Keith Heumiller to discuss his team’s findings, and some important implications for gifted services policy and practice.

Posted in: Higher Education

Study: Offering Bachelor’s Degrees Can Lead to Tuition Increases at Community Colleges

In an effort to address workforce needs and serve local students and families, a growing number of U.S. community colleges have begun offering bachelor’s degree programs in recent years. A new national study finds those offerings can lead to college-wide increases in tuition and fees.

Posted in: Podcast

Study: Offering Bachelor's Degrees Can Lead to Tuition Increases at Community Colleges

In an effort to address workforce needs and serve local students and families, a growing number of U.S. community colleges have begun offering bachelor’s degree programs in recent years. nnA new national study finds that those offerings – while beneficial to students – can also lead to college-wide increases in tuition and fees.nnStudy co-author and University of Florida researcher Justin Ortagus joins CPRE Knowledge Hub managing editor Keith Heumiller to discuss the study, and some important implications for higher education policy and future research.

Posted in: K-12 Leadership

Networks for School Improvement: Evidence-Backed Lessons for Leaders, Managers and Practitioners

In recent decades, new networks for school improvement (NSI) have proliferated across the country. A new CPRE workbook offers seven lessons for successful NSI management, based on years of interviews and observations in the field.