Posted in: Podcast

The Nation's Troubling Report Card

The latest results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) – often called the nation’s report card – paint a troubling picture of academic stagnation and widening achievement gaps among American students. nnIn a special episode, Harvard University professor and nationally recognized testing policy expert Daniel Koretz joins CPRE Executive Director Jonathan Supovitz to break down the latest NAEP data, and its implications for student outcomes, equity, and education policy.nnKoretz and Supovitz also discuss the potential value and the future of the assessment in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Posted in: Podcast

The Potential Cost and Impact of Biden's Free College Plan

New analysis by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW) finds that the benefits of a free college plan proposed by President-elect Joe Biden would outweigh its costs within a decade.nnThe report, coauthored by CEW Director Anthony Carnevale, also examines how various approaches to free college would impact student equity and educational attainment in the years following implementation. nnCarnevale joins CPRE Knowledge Hub managing editor Keith Heumiller to discuss the center’s analysis and the implications of the Biden free college plan, whether it is ultimately adopted or not.