Each year millions of American K-12 students take classes online, augmenting traditional coursework or attempting to recover lost credits on the road to graduation. Despite its growing presence in schools, however, digital instruction can often have mixed results.
The Effects of Moving on NYC Students
In cities like New York, where roughly 40 percent of students move at least once between third and eighth grade, residential mobility can have significant impacts – both positive and negative – on student outcomes.
How Do College Students Use Advanced Placement Credit?
While many studies have examined the connections between advanced placement credit and college achievement, few have identified exactly what students are doing with those credits at the post-secondary level.
How Will the Midterms Impact Education?
On a special edition of Research Minutes, Drew University researcher and renowned education policy expert Patrick McGuinn speaks with CPRE Director Jonathan Supovitz about the 2018 midterm elections, and what they could mean for public education.
The Educational Benefits of Attending Higher Performing Schools
Elaine Allensworth, director of the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, analyzes the positive – and negative – impacts of attending a higher performing school.
An Intervention for Struggling, Adolescent Readers
Harvard Graduate School of Education researcher James Kim discusses his research on the Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention, which is meant to engage struggling, adolescent readers on the way to improved academic outcomes.